Rudy Rudy


Discussions on films cannot be separated from their roles as media of entertainment as well as learning. Thus, film is significant to be studied as a research object. One of the approaches commonly used to interpret films is semiotics. This study focuses on how semiotic theory is applied or used to observe and interpret signs in films and its use to help people such as students, lectures, etc, especially those who intend to deepen their knowledge in humanities films, By collecting reference sources relevant to films and semiotics from journals and books as data, the results of this literature study explained that films can be interpreted by applying Barthes’ semiotic theory in a way that elements in films such as scenes, plots, dialogs, characters, etc. were observed to show signifiers, signified and sign. The results of discussion also suggested that the semiotic approach generally considers or treats all phenomena as signs that can represent or create a meaning through understanding myths and connotations.

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